registration The registration number searched for. MT09NKS
vin A vehicle identification number, commonly abbreviated to VIN, or chassis number is a unique code including a serial number, used by the automotive industry to identify individual motor vehicles, towed vehicles, motorcycles, scooters and mopeds as defined in ISO 3833. VINs were first used in 1954. WVGZZZ5NZAW007903
make The vehicle manufacturer Vauxhall
model The vehicle model Vectra
cylinderCapacity The vehicle cylinder capacity (cc) 1968cc
numberOfDoors The number of doors on the vehicle 5
sixMonthRate The cost of vehicle tax for 6 months 112.75
twelveMonthRate The cost of vehicle tax for 12 months 205.00
dateOfFirstRegistration The date on which the vehicle was registered 23 July 2009
yearOfManufacture They year the vehicle was manufactured 2009
co2Emissions The vehicle emissions 167 g/km
fuelType The vehicle fuel type Diesel (other values Petrol, Electric)
taxStatus Current tax status Not taxed
transmission The vehicle transmission Manual (other values automatic, cvt)
colour The vehicle colour Silver
typeApproval The vehicle category classification M1
wheelPlan The vehicle wheel plan 2 AXLE RIGID BODY
revenueWeight The vehicle’s confirmed maximum gross weight 3850kg
taxDetails Vehicle tax information Tax due: 06 February 2015
motDetails MOT expiry day Expires: 23 July 2015
taxed States if the tax is valid No
mot States if the mot is valid
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